Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ms Office 2003 Vlk Cd

pears and chocolate-walnut-smoked cheese risotto radicchio

seen that spring does not arrive, rather than continue with winter dishes!

4 servings:

  • little more than half a cup of rice per person

  • chopped shallots

  • half a glass of red wine vegetable stock

  • 20 coarsely chopped walnuts 1

  • round radicchio, cut into small pieces

  • 300 g smoked

prepare the broth by boiling a carrot, onion, celery in salt water.

fry the shallots in the oil, add the rice and toast for a minute or two then add wine and let it blend for another minute or two.

add the walnuts and shallots, bring cook the rice by adding a ladle of broth every time the rice is "dry" (roughly every 2-3 minutes).

almost cooked add the smoked cheese into small pieces and stir.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Josh Hutcherson Blue Boxer Briefs


cannelloni recipe is pretty long so, for convenience, the ingredients as they say! in fact there are millions, but each has its own little special so I decided to post my recipe too! I usually do it 3 or 4 beautiful trays and then put them to freeze so that they are ready if needed!
boil for 5-6 minutes in boiling salted water 1 kg of puff pastry (I use one already made, take it in a fresh pasta close to home) by making 5-6 sheets at a time (depending on the size of the pot, say that they must be beautiful large otherwise attach to each other); drain the pasta sheets in salted cold water and lay them open to dry on a tablecloth.
filling for cannelloni prepare the sauce (carrots, celery, onion) and let us cook 1kg minced meat (beef 600g-200g-200g of pork chicken), adding salt, pepper, nutmeg, wine white, the meat must be cooked a lot. Once cooked, mix the meat with the sauce with the cooking robot to obtain a pulp. add 2 ladles of sauce (1 cup of milk and a tablespoon of flour 10g of butter-a-pinch of salt, bring to a boil and turn off as soon as bubbles), 200 grams of Parmesan cheese and 2 eggs. stir
for the sauce, prepare the classic sauce, cannelloni considered that they absorb a lot and that should remain fairly liquid. I usually do the sauce, I do cook ground meat mixed with 150 and add 5 - bottles of tomato sauce, salt, cloves.
at this point to go to the preparation of the cannelloni! the dough, depending on the size, it should be cut in half or 3 pieces and each piece must be put on a strip of filling the width of a finger along the length of the dough, roll up close and soak in the sauce, place in baking dish. Once the pan was filled cannelloni, add more sauce (abbondate!) and cover with sauce, mozzarella into small pieces and butter flakes.
bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes and covered with foil for 10-15 minutes uncovered.
buonappetito! : D

Friday, April 10, 2009

Warts And Rashes On My Stomach


today, a day of national mourning, I do not want nor to cook nor a joke ... on these occasions, unfortunately, there is not much to say and you risk falling into banality by the mere rhetoric ... this morning while I was having breakfast, I turned on the television, not to try news, not to pry into others' pain, but simply out of necessity. The need to hear how they are 25,000 displaced persons, the need to know if this night it rained, the need to make sure that there were no other shocks, the need to find out if there is something that a twenty-five student like me can do. in a moment I closed my stomach and I found myself in tears for those coffins and those family members who, although I do not know, I felt terribly close ...