Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quinseaneras Desnuditas

skewers of pork beer

so quick to prepare, how much you appreciate them every time I do!

ingredients for 8 skewers:

  • 8 slices of pork loin

  • 4 sausages

  • 16 bay leaves

  • 3 apples

  • 1 glass of beer

  • salt and extra virgin olive oil

cut each sausage into 4 pieces, peel and chop the apples (add a little 'lemon so they do not darken)

prepare the kebabs putting apple, sausage, bay leaves, pork loin, bay leaves, sausage, apple, if it advances the evil you can put in a pan with the skewers

cook in a covered frying pan over medium heat, just before they are cooked with a splash beer and alcohol to evaporate, adjust salt


Splenda And Diverticulitis

my first prize!

this post is not dedicated to any recipe, but thank Sly assigned to me my first award! thanks a lot! ;)

To collect the prize you must:

- write 8 things that we aim to do;
-Award the prize to 8 blogs linking to them.

the 8 things that I propose to do are:
  1. be more tolerant and patient (mission, unfortunately, very difficult)
  2. do more sports and defeat laziness
  3. try to make pasta
  4. do smelly bathroom at my dog \u200b\u200b
  5. can lead to weight loss my parents ..... impossible !....
  6. try the sushi
  7. take home 'is Benetta degree
  8. make happy people around me

my turn to pass this award to:

Monday, March 30, 2009

Waterproof Blanket Canada

mozzarella mascarpone

I tried this recipe in a restaurant and I tried to do it again ... not really the same thing but it is very good! is to be served in small bowls of portion (I, failing, I had to settle for deep dish!)


  • mozzarella Buffalo (I'm lucky because I have a cheese factory near his home with direct sales from producer to consumer)

  • 50 g mascarpone 20 g

  • chopped pine nuts 50 grams of chopped leek

  • 7-8 chopped capers 3 tablespoons milk

  • balsamic vinegar, salt, oil and pepper

  • parmesan

in a nonstick pan heat oil and fry the leek and add salt, pepper, capers, pine nuts, add the mascarpone cheese and melt. Pour the mixture over the mozzarella perched on the bowl and engraved in 4 parts. Please add the Parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Negative Test But Implantation Bleeding


I just wanted to advise those who did not have any time to get time to chop carrots, onion and celery to prepare the sauce that you can prepare in advance and then put a freeze in convenient single-use portions. The taste does not change!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Which Indian Actress Has The Biggest

fried tomatoes and lemon linguine

few weeks ago a friend of mine (Valentina) advised me to try and match this weekend pseudoprimaverile prompted me to try this fresh dish!

ingredients for four people:

  • cherry tomatoes (about 50)

  • grated rind of half a lemon

  • extra virgin olive oil salt

  • lemon juice

  • chopped basil

  • 360 g linguine

make a sauce with tomatoes, lemon cheese, salt and oil.

cook pasta in salted water, drain and sauté with the sauce by adding the lemon juice.

finally add the chopped basil and serve.

Pantene Shampoo And Conditioner For Ibs

the last time I made the stuffed olives I've advanced a lot 'of filling that when I put a freeze and I have turned into a meatloaf for dinner tonight! doses of the ingredients, then, are a little 'eye
  • 500g minced meat mixed
  • 100g grated parmesan cheese 1 egg
  • parsley chopped pitted olives and bread crumbs as required

mix all ingredients together and give it to the mixture in the form of a cake, cook on low heat for about an hour in the tomato sauce where you have previously made a nice fry little 'carrot-celery-onion (chopped into large chunks so that we can accompany, if desired, toasted bread) and salt and pepper.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Prepare Salami

Pizza cheese meatloaf dinner

Given that Easter is upon us I suggest the pizza cheese !!!!!!!


  • 125 g of yeast
  • 1 / 2 cup milk
  • 1 / 2 glass of water
  • 1 / 2 cup olive oil
  • 600 g flour
  • 150 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 150 g of grated pecorino romano
  • 300 g of fresh pecorino
  • lemon zest salt and pepper


Mix flour with 400 g of yeast dissolved in warm water, milk, oil, salt and a little sugar.

In another bowl, mix the other 200 g of flour with eggs, grated cheese, pepper and lemon zest.

Combine the 2 mixes and put them in a baking dish and top with butter.
Place the pieces of cheese in the dough.
Let rise for about 2 hours.

Bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.


Vintage Mountaineering Clothing

Saturday night I invited my friends to dinner and, instead of usual stuff, I jumped on a theme dinner ... all American style! really have not done anything special but the idea was very nice and then you offer it
the menu was:

  • hamburger ( I took the Swiss made by my beautiful and butcher as we were in 11 and time was short and I cooked in a pan with oil, I toasted the buns in the oven, it took me a slice of edamer and I've put back in oven ; on the pan I toasted a slice of bacon for each sandwich round, I stew the onion sliced; I prepared by making bacon sandwiches-Swiss-onion), everyone has to like ketchup, mayonnaise or mustard

  • fried chicken fries

  • pancake

Kates Playground Montreal

Pan American-style fried chicken with ginger cake

sweet type with which the Americans have breakfast, but our liver is not accustomed to such excesses, I will I prepared for dessert for after dinner!


1 cup and 1 / 2
1 teaspoon of flour and 1 / 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar

2 eggs, beaten 1 cup milk 60g butter, melted

stir with a whisk eggs, milk and butter, add the mixture to the flour along with its sugar, add yeast and let stand half an hour.

heat a pan (consider that the pancakes must have a diameter of about 10-15 cm) and pour a ladle of the mixture, cook covered over low heat for 6-7 minutes then turn and brown other side .

serve over hot maple syrup and brown sugar or, alternatively, honey, nutella, dark chocolate-marmalade melted ice-cream ... you like!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blank Acord Certifciate Of Liability

This recipe was given years ago to try the Chef Anna Moroni, and for those who carry that day was distracted! It is really worth trying!


  • 800g chicken breast cut often

  • mint

  • marjoram

  • grated ginger 1 lemon white wine

cut the chicken breast chunks are not too small and put in refrigerator to marinate for about 12 hours (I've reduced to 6 for the organizational problems) with wine, herbs, ginger and lemon (juice and grated rind). Drain the chicken from the marinade and proceed with the marinade (dipped in beaten egg then in bread crumbs). fry

separately prepare a sauce by bringing to the table for those who want to "inzuppparvi" chicken emulsifying blender with 2 tablespoons sauce doia, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar and grated ginger.


How To Get Tyre Marks Off Driveway

rolls Puglia

Another specialty of my father ....... a second that can also become the first: the sauce cooking becomes a delicious sauce for pasta!

  • 500 g of sliced \u200b\u200bbeef
  • parsley chopped garlic

  • 30 g raisins 130 g
  • ventricina (spicy salami sliced thin)
  • 130 g of spicy provolone
  • oil
  • half tube of tomato paste
  • little tomato sauce

many piles (as there are slices) of: garlic, parsley, raisins, a ventricina slice of a cube of provolone.
Close the roll with toothpicks, salt and pepper.

Bake in a pan with olive oil, tomato sauce and kept for about 30-40 minutes.


Italian Driver License .jpg


This is a specialty ...... my father is a sweet-salty!!
You can also keep for 4-5 days!


  • For the pastry:
  • 300 g flour 100 g sugar 2 eggs
  • 100 g of butter 3 tablespoons oil

  • lemon zest
  • a pinch of salt
  • For the filling:
  • 200 g of grated pecorino romano
  • 25 g sugar 2 eggs
  • lemon zest


Making the pastry (if you have time you can buy one already made, is comfortable in rolls and is still good!) working all ingredients until a smooth ball and let rest in refrigerator for one hour.

Prepare the filling: Mix the ingredients above. Roll out the pastry

trying to make it as late as possible (3 mm approximately).
Cut the dough in many circles (5.6 cm diameter) or square (side 5-6 cm).
Stuff with the mixture. Close
kicks (if a circle, create a crescent-shaped square where a basket formed by combining all corners of the square in the center).
Brush the surface with egg yolk.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Dvp-sr200p Region Unlock

tart radicchio and baby spinach sausage

.... is one of the My workhorse! Excellent as an appetizer or buffet to be served!


  • brisè For the dough: 500 g flour
  • 250 g of butter 12 tablespoons cold acuq
  • salt and pepper

  • For the filling:
  • 2 sausages
  • a strain of radicchio
  • 150 g of melted cheese slices (like edamer)

Mix flour with cold butter (not melted, I recommend !!!!!) Add water, salt and pepper until a smooth ball.

Rest Refrigerate for one hour (you can also make the dough the day before and leave it in the fridge or you can make the dough, freeze it and pull it out when needed).

Wash the radicchio and cook on a hot plate until it becomes soft.
Remove from the heat, cut into small pieces, season with salt, pepper and oil.

Spread the dough into 2 circles: the basic stuff smeared with sausage, cheese and radicchio. Cover with another circle of dough.
Brush the surface with egg yolk.

Bake at 180 ° C for about 20-25min.


Carved Chair Foo Dog Armrest

not be fooled by, the I seem to denlle stuffed olives ... but just do UNPO 'largest and mash them a bit' to recognize them now: they are spinach!
I got them to this form to serve as an aperitif, are comfortable because even if prepared the day Pima remain great!


  • 500 g of sliced \u200b\u200bchicken pettodi
  • 200 grams of ham
  • 3 cubes frozen spinach
  • a lot 'of salt grated Parmesan
  • eggs (1 put in' mixture, then those needed for breading)
  • breadcrumbs

the preparation is easy!

Defrost spinach and squeeze out the water with microwave, chop the chicken breast, ham, spinach and Parmesan cheese with the robot and add a bit 'of salt and the egg mix.

form little balls of dough with your hands, mash them and pass them in the breadcrumbs, beaten egg and again in breadcrumbs

bake in preheated oven at 180 until golden (about 15 min) or frying

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tattoo Artists Melbourne Australia

Fried rice

These I did when I was younger with my friends ...... they're delicious!!


  • kg of rice
  • red sauce (tomato sauce + a pound of ground beef) 2 eggs
  • saffron
  • melted cheese diced mortadella
  • eggs breadcrumbs for breading
  • frying oil

Boil the rice with saffron and prepare the sauce.

When ready the sauce separating the drain ground beef.

Season the rice with the sauce deprived of meat and let cool.

Put the eggs into the rice and stir well.

Prepare oranges by putting rice in the palm of the hand, in the middle of a piece of cheese into cubes and filantem mortadella meat ground. Close

putting more rice to form a nice ball.

bread in the egg, go into the breadcrumbs and fry.

Serve hot!

Mesa Boogie Formula Pre-amp

This is one of my favorite desserts! After trying several thousand recipes I assure you that this is the best ......


  • 300 g flour 200 g butter 4 eggs
  • ricotta 500 g sugar 300 g dark chocolate chips
  • raisins lemon salt

United flour, two egg yolks, 100 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, lemon zest, melted butter and mix until dough is smooth and soft, with 3 / 4 Line a baking pan greased with butter.

Strain the curd and knead with a wooden spoon, mixing it with sugar, chocolate chips, raisins and egg whites.

Pour the mixture into the pan and cover with remaining dough.

turolo Brush surface with beaten egg.

Bake in preheated oven for about 25 minutes.


Can Men Re Catch Thrush

tart ricotta cake with chocolate in the microwave

few minutes to enjoy a cake that has nothing to envy to the traditional cake baked !!!!!!

  • 120 g of butter at room temperature
  • 200 g of sugar a pinch of salt 3 eggs
  • 100 g of shelled hazelnuts
  • 60 g flour 120 g
  • frumina
  • 40 g cocoa powder 50 ml milk
  • a bag of baking in the microwave

the butter until creamy and add sugar, salt, eggs and finely chopped hazelnuts.

Mix a spoon flour, frumina, alternating with the milk chocolate.

Add the yeast.

Put the mixture into a Pyrex mold top and bottom with 5 cm alemeno edges lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 650 watt microwave with grill for 7 minutes (8 minutes if 600) and let stand for 10 minutes before the cake to bake.